Originally made for that 3-Day Cozy Fall Jam 2023 and recently updated for the fun of it. Enjoy fall, the best season, while you can.

Rules: For iPad and tablets, drag orange ninja with your finger and tap the Rake! button at the bottom left corner to Rake!

Computer controls: WASD to Move and Click the Rake! Button located at bottom left corner of screen to Rake.

You can use the Spacebar to Rake! too, but have to wait for the leaves to absorb before you can use your rake again. Give it two seconds. Don't mash your spacebar.

Keep Orange Ninja's driveway clean and get money to do it. $1000 dollars gets you to Level 2. $10000 for Level 3. How far can you get?

Special Thanks to:

FASSounds from Pixabay for the Music

Sound effects by Pixabay

Fonts designed by AthayaDZN and BoltCutterDesign

I’ll help you fix your heavy wallet problem…




RakeMobile (4).zip 9 MB

Development log